International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science

Vol. 10(6), pp. 219--228 July, 2022. 

ISSN: 2360-7858


Full Length Research


Mentoring as a Correlate of Career Development of Academic Librarians in Some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria


1Achonna, Andy Umunna, 2Arowosola, Omonike, Atinuke and 3Ogunleye, Omolade Busayo


The Library, Yaba College of Technology, P.M.B 2011, Yaba, Lagos1,2&3. 1(Corresponding Author's E-mail:, 2E-mail:  

1(Corresponding Author's E-mail:,


Accepted 24 July 2022


The research was conducted to determine the relationship of mentoring and career development among academic librarians in selected tertiary institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. The research population was made up of 57 academic librarians drawn from six tertiary institutions from the area under study. The descriptive survey was the research design used for the study. The respondents were chosen through use of stratified random sampling, out of 57 copies of the research instruments administered, 53 representing 92.98% return rate was recorded. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results from correlation coefficient showed a weak positive significant relationship between benefits of mentoring and mentoring methods adopted by academic librarians for career development. The study recommendations made on the basis of its findings were that: needs’ assessment of the forms of mentoring methods adopted should be done on the target audience in order to achieve the expected and desired outcomes; and that library management should enlighten both parties on the importance and benefits of mentoring in the profession. Also, mentors should sharpen new skills to achieve mentoring efficiency and effectiveness; equal opportunity for mentoring for career development should be given to new entrants to the profession in order to achieve success in the long-run. Moreover, adequate training should be given by library management from inception to mentors and mentees so that they can know what is expected of them to prevent possible abuse of the programme. In addition, mentoring for career development of academic librarians should be institutionalized in order to make for continuity, sustainability and relevance of the profession at all times. Finally, adequate funding should be made available on a continuous basis to be able to sustain the mentoring programmes for career development.


Keywords: Academic Librarian, Career Development, Mentoring, Tertiary Institutions, South West Nigeria.


Cite This Article As: Achonna, A. U., Arowosola, O. A., Ogunleye, O.B.(2022). Mentoring as a Correlate of Career Development of Academic Librarians in Some Selected Tertiary Institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 10(6):219-228